Three Chosen Kids + One Disaster after Another = a Saved Planet

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chapter 16

S                                            Chapter: 16
V                                            New monsters, new weapons

I was a little shocked when Zaydie had programmed the chamber for the ocean.
It was pretty,... but... not my thing I guess. [yeah sorry Zaydie]

Zaydie just stood there watching it for a long time. Kylun finally came over.
“It’s better in real life.” He said quietly.
Zaydie looked at him with new interest. She clasped her hands together and started to jump up and down slightly.
“Really? Have you seen it?” She asked.
“Yeah. It’s one heck of a sight.” He said placing his hands behind his head.
“Hey you two get over here!” Quorra yelled at them.
I turned my attention to Tasin as everyone gathered around.

“So, what do you mean we have to get new weapons? What’s wrong with these ones?” I complained.
Tasin looked around at all of us.
“Please place you weapons here in the grass and I’ll explain.” Zaydie was the first to lay her ureci down. I pulled out Segador and laid her down next to Zaydie’s weapons.
“Do we have to?” Kylun asked, a little hesitant. “Because I have this Power-”
“I know. Just bring Ultima.” Tasin interrupted. He groaned and pulled his massive sword out from no where.
“Whoa!! Ok we really need a run down this is getting to be too much!” Quorra exclaimed, putting her head in her hands.
“We’ll tell you latter.” I said.
“Humph. You better.” She said with a pathetic tone.
Once all of our weapons were down on the ground Tasin turned to us.
“When you came back, harpies have been showing up all over Dresher! Not just in Konsor.
In truth,” She opened up her hand and a holographic picture of a planet came up. it spun and zoomed up on one dot.
“Konsor is just a little piece of Dresher. There’s so much more out there. So much more to be seen!
But the harpies have started to roam around everywhere. Terrorizing the people of this once peaceful planet. The harpies suddenly appearing has to do with this shadow man you’ve been trying to hunt down. He’s been bad news from the start, he’s traveled from one city to the next. He starts to weasel his way into the government and he takes over the city. He has several already under his control.” The planet spun again and this time three cities were highlighted.
“Lothomer, Ulrikima, and Vecina.” Each name popped up with it’s city. “And now, Konsor. The Puppeteer has taken over Valadamir just has you have suspected, and you will need to take care of him in order to break the Puppeteer’s tie to the President. Then you must go to the other three and disrupt his ties to them. Only after that can you take on the Puppeteer himself.”
I shook my head. So much to do, and it felt like so little time!
“But don’t worry Savrin.” Tasin said, slipping her tiny hand into mine. “The Creator has everything under control, and nothing happens that he doesn’t allow.” She reminded. I nodded, and she continued.
“But, the Puppeteer will try to stop you. Which means you will meet new enemies that even you can’t imagine.” She said pointing to Zaydie. “You met one of the weaker ones today.”
“Weaker?!?!” We all shouted. [well all of us that fought it so that would exclude Braxlin]
Tasin nodded.
“Yep. There are much stronger ones out there.”
We all looked down at our weapons.
“They didn’t even make a dent.” Zaydie said quietly. The rest of us nodded in agreement.
“Yes. But that’s why the Creator made weapons that will defeat any harpy.”
She waved her hand over our weapons on the grass and they disappeared in a poof.
“Hey! I worked hard to get that!!” Braxlin shouted.
Tasin paid him no mind.
“Now, which of you are willing to train with a new weapon completely? You will have to start from scratch, and It wont be easy. But I guarantee that you will become much stronger then you ever were, no matter how much training you’ve had.”
Give up all that I’ve worked for over the years?! All of it?! Why would I want to do that?!
I could see that everyone was pondering over the exact same questions.
“In order to be come a Child of the Light, you must give up everything you are, to become everything you should be.” Tasin said quietly.
With that in mind, I stepped forward.
“I’ll do it.”
“Mmm. Me too.” Zaydie said stepping up next to me.
Kylun sighed and stepped up with us.
“We’re connected right? What one does the other two always follows. So count me in.” He said in a bored tone that was exactly like his brother’s.
Quorra sighed and tossed her arms above her head.
“What’s the use?! we might as well! If we’re going to be of any help to you guys we better learn how to fight these harpies.” She swung her arm around her sister’s shoulders, and gave Tasin a thumbs up. “Count me in!”
“Very well. You two are best keeping to your old weapons. But I’ll give your weapons a boost.” She said. Brin and Brax nodded, then took a few steps back.

Tasin looked at us each in turn.
“There has been a selection of weapons placed in front of you. But these weapons, are only the characteristics of what it takes to wield the real weapon. For example, the sword means warrior. So if one of you chooses the sword, you will become a strong warrior. But I must warn you. Once you choose, you can’t second guess and swap. So choose wisely.”
Looking down we all gasped as we saw the variations of weapons.
Actually,... there was only four there.
There was a sword, a shield, a stick looking thing [sorry didn’t know the name of it at the time] and a bow.
“your heart will tell you which one is best suited for you. But as will the Creator, you must listen to both.” Tasin said.

I took a deep breath and looked from one weapon to the next. Which one?
Creator which one? Which one will help me the most? Which one will help... all of us the most?
I prayed. I was good at fighting. Taking things head on. That’s always the way I liked to do it. With a plan of course.
Should I go for the sword?
But then I’m also always keeping everyone else in line, so the shield then?
I sighed.
Why does everything have to be so confusing?
“It doesn’t.” I jerked and looked around. Everyone else had their eyes closed and none of them were speaking. So... does that mean?
“Yes Savrin. It really is Me. Your heart is strong, and it defeats all darkness in battle. It’ll always win. Even when it doesn’t feel like it.”
I nodded and smiled.
Reaching out, I grabbed the sword.
“The sword of the Warrior. Yes. That suits you well.” Tasin said. I gave a curt nod and waited patiently for the rest.
They all chose ones I didn’t expect at all!
Zaydie’s hand grasped the straps of the shield, while Kylun’s grasped around the stick thing.
“Ah... The shield of the Protector, and the staff of the Disguiser. And that leaves...” Quorra reached for the bow. “The bow of the Seeker. Very fitting.”
Tasin turned to all four of us and smiled.
“Remember what you are. And who’s you are. Don’t forget.
Now, it’s time to choose your real weapons.”
Now this was going to be good!

Tasin took us each separately into a magic door that appeared out of no where.
Quorra was first.
It seemed like forever till she came out.
But when she did, she had no weapon!
“What did you do? did you get a weapon?” Zaydie asked. She nodded.
“Where is it?”
“Can’t tell.” She said with a wink.
“Huh?” The three of us asked in unison. She just smiled and placed a hand on her small hip.
“You’ll see.”
“Savrin.” I turned to see Tasin beckoning to me from the door way.
I turned and smiled at Zaydie who sighed.
“Boys.” She muttered, then turned back to gazing at the ocean.
I shook my head and walked through the door.

Inside was the biggest armory I had ever seen!! But I had never seen any of the weapons in it before. They were all strange though they resembled a sword, they were... strange.
“You find them strange. I can see that coming from you. You’ve never been to the outside world have you?” Tasin asked coming up beside me.
I shook my head.
“Not unless you count picture books.”
She laughed.
“No. I don’t sorry. Now come I’ll show you what I think would be best for you.”
She led me down an isle to the very end of the room.
On a pedestal sat a strange... sword like... thing.
“I know it’s a bit odd looking... but it’ll be a good match I think.” She said picking up the weapon and handing it over.
I took it and was surprised by how light it was.
The weapon was made of silver... mostly. The handle was bound in bright yellow ribbon, which was.... ok I guess. On a chain at the end, was a charm of three linked rings.
The handle was covered by a part of the blade that went over it forming a loop looking thing, only big enough for a hand. The blade was made jagged, the part directly up from the handle curved hard left for a little bit of the metal, then straitened out. Only to have the right edge of the blade curve in for a small part, then it straightened back out and formed a sharp tip.
On the right side of the handle blade, it looked like someone had just taken a bight out of the metal, leaving teeth marks! The same design was also in the middle of the blade as well. [between the two boxed like curves]
“Um... how will this ever go in a sheathe?” I asked. Looking at it from all different angles. It was also weird because the pulsing yellow light was like a ribbon, starting from the bottom of the handle, sprouting two branches that go on either side of the handle, then joining back up to weave it’s way down the blade.

Tasin giggled.
“It doesn’t have one.” She said.
I turned to her.
“Ryota doesn’t have a sheathe. He will appear when ever you need him. And disappear once the job’s finished. Nifty huh?”
“Is it like that for everyone else’s?” I asked. Still looking at Ryota from different angles. Tasin nodded.
“Ooh...” I swung Ryota around several times, getting the feel of it. It felt good. Though I had never seen anything like it in my life.... it some how.... felt familiar.
I gave my arm a jerk and it disappeared in a burst of light.
“You have chosen well. Ryota will do you good. Ha. After all it’s name means ‘strong’.” She said with a smile.
“Now go on! I have to get to Zaydie before I drain all of my energy completely in this form.” She said, quickly pushing me out the door.
I stumbled out and saw that everyone was watching me. I chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my head.
“Hiya.” I said waving at them all.
“Hi. So what does yours look like?! What is yours?!” Zaydie asked jumping up and coming so close that I leaned back in shock.
“You’ll see latter.” I told her with a wink.
She groaned and stopped her feet.
“Zaydie? You coming?” She immediately perked up and looked over my shoulder. She smiled and nodded eagerly, then dashed off into the doorway.
Taking one last look over her shoulder she waved at us then the door closed.
“Ok so what’s your’s?” Quorra asked.
I laughed. She was so much like her sister.
“I’m not telling till He’s outta here.” I said pointing to Kylun who was lying on the grass with is hands behind his head.
“Hey I heard that.” He said pointing a finger at us lazily. I waved it away and turned back to Quorra.
“Hey I’ll race you to the beach.” I challenged.
She looked at me then pumped her fist.
“Your on!”
We then took off running down the hill to the beach.

Quorra was fast! Like ridiculously fast!!
I mean once she’s off, she’s off! There’s no stopping her! [Literally, she has no breaks. Hey!]
When she reached the sand I was about ten paces behind. She plopped down and took off her shoes, and just as I reached the beach, dashed off into the water.
“Come on! It’s really nice.” She called after me.
I sighed.
“You have shorts. It’s a bit different when you have on baggy pants.” I stated. She shifted her weight and placed her hands on her hips.
“Only a bit. Roll ‘em up and come on! You’ll probably get wet anyway! It is a replica of the ocean.”
I groaned and took my shoes off.
Rolling up my pants I stepped into the cold water.
“You call this nice?” She giggled and walked up closer.
“Well it is to me. that room was a little stuffy.” She said, squatting down and watching the fish pass by.
“Speaking of which, now that Kylun’s out of sight, please show me yours!” She pleaded, looking up at me with big green eyes.
I groaned.
“You and your sister! You give me those big doe eyes and I can’t resist.” I hung my head. “I’m so pathetic!”
“No! you just know what a girl wants.” She laughed.
I sighed.
“Alright fine!” Then I stopped and thought about it. “Um... how do I bring back? exactly?”
She laughed.
“Did she not teach you?”
I shook my head.
“Well what I do, is say ‘I need you now.’ in my head,” she tapped the side of her brain. “and it appears. But the saying is different with every one, so you have to program it. To what ever saying you want!” She explained. Complete with all the hand motions.
Um... Skybliz. [yeah yeah I know I know. Real random but it’s one of my favorite words!]
There was a yellow light again and Ryota appeared in my hands. The yellow lights still pulsing.
Quorra jumped back, then bent down and leaned in close to the blade.
“Sweet. Aw that is totally cool!”
I nodded.
“Yeah it is. Now let me see yours.” I said as Ryota disappeared.
Quorra called her weapon and before I knew it she was holding guns in her hands again.
“What’s with you and guns-whoa!”
Bending down to get a better look, I found that her guns had lights on them too! only they were green this time.
They lit up around the tip of the barrel, and then along the sides of the barrel as well.
“Their real sleek, and they shoot ridiculously fast!” She said looking at them excitedly.
“Do they have a name?” I asked standing back up again.
“Um... no. No not really.” She shrugged and jerked her hands, making them leave in rays of sunshine.
“Come on lets see if Zaydie’s back!” She dragged me out of the water and we ran up the grassy hillside barefooted.
Well that’s an interesting feeling.
A good one.
But interesting.

Once we reached the top of the hill, we found Zaydie lying in the grass instead of Kylun.
“Hey sis! What weapon did you get?! Come on tell us please, please, please?!?!” Quorra begged.
“Haha. Alright, alright.” She said, getting up to her feet.
She closed her eyes for a moment then in a shower of light we found her holding a shield in her left hand.
“Ooh!” Quorra said as she got a better look.
The shield was in the shape of a circle, it was small so I wasn’t exactly sure what good it would do.
The shield had a patter on it, blue and pink pulsing lights came down from around the rim of the shield and formed something... interact in the middle.
“What’s in the middle?” I asked.
She glanced down and smiled at us.
“I would have thought you of all people could figure it out.”
The lines started to move, and I started to see what they formed.
“It’s a heart!” I exclaimed.
Zaydie smiled and nodded. Moving her long hair out of her face.
“Yup. But watch this.” She then took the shield by the rim and stepped away from us.
She threw it like a disk and it zoomed out of our sight.
Quorra gasped.
“What did you do?!”
Zaydie looked at her with a smile and put up a finger.
We waited and soon we noticed something zooming back.
As it got closer, Zaydie jumped up and caught it in her right hand.
Landing back on the ground she turned, and we saw that she was now holding a sword.
The sword was extremely girly!
It too didn’t have a cross bar. The handle was wrapped in pink ribbon mixed with light blue, and at the end was like a key chain with a rose on it.
At the top of the handle the blade got slightly bigger [kind of resembled a diamond]
The blade was long, and curved at the end.
From the handle, it was pink, [the metal I mean] but as it went down the sword, it started to fade to silver.
But on the pink part was a sleeping rose made of the blue and pink pulsing light.
All in all, very girly.

“Wow!!” Quorra shouted. “I like it! Very feminine!”
I nodded in agreement.
“ha! ya think?!” I asked. She stuck out her tongue at me and placed the flat side on her shoulder.
“I am a girl you know!”
The door opened and we all turned around to find Kylun walking out with a satisfied look on his face.
The three of us ran up to him and all asked the same question, at the same time!
“What’s your new weapon?!”
He laughed.
He actually full. heartedly. laughed!!
We were all so shocked that we just stood there with gapping mouths as he laughed so hard he started to cry.

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