Three Chosen Kids + One Disaster after Another = a Saved Planet

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chapter 12

S                                        Chapter: 12
V                                                Complications only lead to
R                                                                  more complications

Back in our services with the President, we stood guard for several of his meetings with various Chiefs of various Areas. It took a while to get use to the idea of getting back into the routine of being Valadamir's bodyguards again.

Zaydie and I had still yet to talk about Kylun and his attitude. And I hadn't seen Kylun sense the last simulation. Scaredy-cat.
It's hard to be mad at him to long though.
Haha. Mostly I was jealous that he had the guts. [not that I would ever do it Zaydie. But you would never let me anyway. I was just saying that he has guts for trying.]

"You two have been awfully quiet the past few days." Valadamir commented as we escorted him to another meeting.
"We've been hired to guard you. Not necessarily talk to you sir." I snapped back.
Zaydie glanced at me with a look of pure shock.
Valadamir turned to me and gave me a cold stair.
"Is that so?"
"Well that and to be your personal hit team. Sir." yeah the 'sir' came off harsh, and a little forced. But I still really didn't like him.
Never have never will.
"Hmm.... I see. " That was all he said. To me at least.


"What weapon do you think I should learn to fight with?" I almost spit out my mouthful of food.
"Well... it's wise to learn how to use a long range weapon, so what one would you suggest?" Zaydie asked sitting down across from me.
"Um... I don't know... a gun?" She frowned.
"Can you see me walking around with a gun in my back pocket?"
"uh... no. Not really." I confessed.
"Yeah me neither. That's more of a... guy thing. So any other suggestions?"
"Hmm... How about... a slingshot?"
She gave me a look.
"What? slingshots can be handy."
"Fine, how about a cross bow?"
"Um... no."
"Well fine then! you figure it out!" I gave up. She's too hard to please. [ouch. I'm starting to get annoyed Zaydie. Don't you laugh at me!]

Life seemed to go by quickly. One day after another. The only things we actually looked forward to were our daily training time in the dudgeons.

Today, Zaydie wasn't in a good mood. So I was relived when we were on break. She marched down the stairs to the dudgeons and barged through the door to Kylun's place.
Kylun was sprawled out on the couch boots and all. But he sat up when Zaydie marched over and plopped herself down at the end of it.
"Bad day?" He asked looking from Zaydie, who was unresponsive, to me.
I nodded. "Really bad."
"He is such a jerk. Who the heck does he think he is? making us do all the dirty work! ugh!" Zaydie had a dark look on her face, and she stomped her foot in frustration.
She was completely oblivious to the two of us who were just staring at her.
I shook my head.
Kylun got up and motioned for me to follow him in to the computer room.
"What's up?"
I sighed.
"Well for starters, we've found out that the main reason the two of us were hired was to become Valad's personal hit team."
Kylun didn't seem surprised.
"So today he sent us on our first mission."
"Did it end badly?" he asked, gesturing to the other room.
"Well.... we got the objective completed. But... we had to kill everyone there." I explained. "We had to take out a minor delicate on the military board staff. But when we did he was in a room full of Helfins.
We were instructed to make it look like he had killed them all, and then killed himself after. Which we did. but... it made Zaydie furious." I shook my head at the horrid memory. "You know how Zaydie is. She'll kill if she has to, but not if she doesn't believe it's necessary. So now she's all down and mad and needs to cool off or she might explode." I finished.
Kylun groaned and leaned against the desk.
"I hope you guys realize that it'll only get worse from here." He said with his hand holding his forehead.
"How do you mean?"
"It's all part of his big plan. It's not going to be pretty." Kylun stopped talking when we heard a shuffle outside the room.
"Kylun can I have a glass water please?" Zaydie asked leaning against the door frame.
Her long brown hair had been tied in a loose braid all day, and now strands were falling into her silver eyes.
Kylun nodded and walked her into the kitchen.

A minute latter they came back in.
"So what do you mean by 'part of his big plan'?" I asked.
"My brother has been planning something for the past several years. I can't quiet figure out what it is, but I know it has something to do with the Shieven. It's also like... like he's a puppet. I can't be sure but that's what I think. Here I found this on the security system." Kylun moved over to one of the various computer screens and hit the 'enter' button.
Moving back to the middle of the room, he snapped his fingers and a holographic screen popped up eye level to him.
Now there was really nothing there, but the screen responded to hand movements. So it worked great!
He pulled up past video from the security system.
"Wait if he was having some kind of secret meeting, then wouldn't he have turned off his security cams?" Zaydie questioned.
"well yeah, he did. Just not mine." Kylun answered.
Zaydie choked on her mouthful of water.
I patted her back.
She shrugged me off and swallowed another gulp of water.

Kylun pulled up the video and we stood and watched.
Who ever was pulling Valadamir's strings sat in the dark, and we never saw his face.

"Finally! After years of planning it's all coming together!"
Valadamir exclaimed as a look of triumph covered his face.
"Yes... you have done well. But we still have lots of work to do."
the shadow man said.
"yes, yes, I know. But I'm one step closer everyday. And soon Konsor
will be mine forever! No one will ever be able to tell me no!
not even the council!!"

Well that's definitely not good. The council is one that helps suggest laws for the President to enforce, their the ones that keep things running on the surface. [like making sure that all five Areas get the food they need, and control over the population and all that.]
"Is that it?" Zaydie asked as the screen went black.
"yeah, my system went into major override, and it busted."
"Fantastic." Zaydie muttered. "Ok, so obviously Valadamir isn't up to no good, that's obvious, but what is he planning on doing? With Konsor I mean."
"I don't know. That's what we have to figure out before we can make any plans on saving Dresher." Kylun pointed out.
I nodded.
"Well we'll just have to do that then wont we?" I asked.
"Yeah! Z.S.K all the way!" Zaydie shouted enthusiastically.
We both looked at her.
"What? I thought it was cool." She admitted.
Kylun laughed.
"I like it. It's catchy. What do you say Sav?"
I shrugged.
"It's fine with me."
"Well come on then!" Zaydie placed her hand in between the three of us.
I put mine on top of hers.
And Kylun put his on top of mine.
"All the way!" We all shouted in unison as we threw our hands up.
Zaydie giggled and swayed back and forth.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Zaydie asked as we walked across the room to the to the simulation chamber.
Kylun shrugged.
"Anything unusual I guess."
Zaydie scoffed as we piled into the white paneled room.
"Valadamir's whole being is unusual. And it doesn't help that he's always hitting-"
"He hit's you?" Kylun asked in shock.
"Yeah." Then Zaydie saw the look on his face.
I chuckled.
"Oh wait! No! not that kind of hitting!" Kylun was still confused. But that's when the simulation room dropped us.

However the conversation started up again as soon as we hit the ground.
"I meant 'hitting on me' as in he's a complete flirt! And thinks he so good at it, it makes me sick! He's definitely not my type."
Zaydie finished.
“What is your type Zaydie?” I asked.
“Hmm... my type is someone who is strong in the Creator. Someone who puts Him before everything else in this world. But also treats me like the princess I am, if I may be so bold. But it’s true, and why I just told you I really don’t know. So you can stop listening to me now.”
A small smile crossed my face at her last words.
But I was shocked that she already knew what she was looking for in a guy. And her description made me feel horrible.
“I’m going to have to work on that.” Kylun said, coming up behind me.
“Zaydie as a keen eye, which makes me feel bad sometimes and want to cover things up. But even with those few words, she put things into perspective.” He said. I nodded.
“We should strive for that. Even if neither of us are right for her.” I added.
“She deserves to at least have friends some what like that.” Kylun commented.
“Yeah. So lets make that a goal. Not just for the sake of Zaydie, but for our own good, and sanity.” I suggested.
“Agreed. But that doesn’t mean we have to be stuck ups right? we can still be ourselves.”
I laughed and nodded.

Today the simulation was a training room.
So I was curious as to what Kylun had planed.

“Alright Zaydie, I’ll give you some weapons to choose from and then you’ll train with it.” Kylun ordered.
“Um, Kylun, would you be so kind as to not order me around all the time?” Zaydie asked.
Now, I do not know if she did this on purpose, or if it’s something that she can’t control. Because she gave Kylun a look that made him stop and stare.
She had pulled that doe eyed look on me before, and it had the power to make you do almost anything!
I came up beside her, and jabbed her side.
“Be fair.”
She looked at me and laughed.
“Was I doing it again?”
I nodded, she turned to Kylun with an apologetic look.
“Sorry about that, that’s another thing I can’t control very well, but I suppose that’s what the guard dog’s for.” She insulted, patting my arm.
My jaw dropped in mocked shock.
“I think she just called you a dog.” Kylun pointed out.
“I believe she did. I also think she manipulated you.”  We both turned to Zaydie who was no taking slow steps backwards.
“Uh... I don’t like those looks.” She said slowly.
Kylun and I took slow steps towards her.
“Guys come on. This isn’t funny.”
But neither of us stopped. [walking, or the huge grins on our faces]
“Oh snap.” She muttered.
Spinning on her heel she ran for the obstacle course.
With one glance at each other, Kylun and I dashed after her.

Zaydie was fast!
But so were we. [not to gloat or anything haha.]
Zaydie scaled up various poles, then flung herself off them only to catch on to another.
But we were always right on her tail.
“If she keeps this up we’ll never catch her.” I muttered.
Kylun dropped down a little ways and swung under a bar, then between the next two in a strait horizontal line. Show off.
“Well then lets change the pace.” He said with a grin. He suddenly disappeared, looking ahead I twisted around another pole.
Kylun appeared next to Zaydie.
I heard her shriek then the two of them were gone again.
I spun around a tall pole and landed on the ground.
Kylun was already there, with one arm pinning Zaydie close, and the other over her mouth.
“Now what?” He asked. I glanced around and noticed the pool.
Kylun, catching my drift, laughed.
“Zaydie, you look hot. I think it’s time for a cool down.” I said picking up her feet. Her eyes got big, and once Kylun removed his hand from her mouth to carry her, she started fighting.
“Ok you guys that’s enough! This really isn‘t funny!”  To late! We tossed her.
She landed in the pool with a splash, and she floated all the way to the bottom... and just stayed there.
I glanced at Kylun as I started to take off my jacket. He was doing the same.
“If she dies from my stupidity...”
We both dove in.
Swimming all the way to the bottom we found that Zaydie had on her body armor, which might explain why she’s been sitting on the bottom.
When we reached her she opened her eyes.
Looking at both of us with those shocking green eyes [it was still weird to see them like that when ever she used her Powers]
She gave us an evil smile and rocketed up to the surface.

Back on dry land the two of us were watching Zaydie as she took off her armor.
She was completely dry!
Including her extremely thick and long hair!!
That’s so unfair.

I rubbed a towel over my brown hair then slung it around my neck.
Man it was cold!
Zaydie laughed at the two of us freezing.
“That cold?”
We nodded.
“Oh come here.” He gestured to me. I eyed her suspiciously. What? I didn’t know what she was going to do!
“I don’t bite.” She reached forward and grasped my wrists.
Closing her eyes I felt a warmness seep into my arms.
Zaydie started moving her hips to the music as I warmed up.

Soon I was completely dry!
From my hair all the way through my boots.
She moved on to Kylun and he let her hold his wrists.
The music had changed and it was now a gentle piano song.
Zaydie sang along with the vocals as her Powers pored our of her finger tips.
She went from a high note to a low note flawlessly, she could hold the note for a while too.
Flashbacks from our childhood came through my mind, as they projected themselves before my eyes.

Playing in the woods, lying out on the grass watching the clouds drift by as Zaydie sang songs she made up on the spot, or ancient songs that everyone knew.
“There, good as...” She giggled, and when I turned to see what she was looking at, I burst out laughing.
“What?!” Kylun demanded.
Zaydie and I just laughed.
“Your... hair.” I managed in between gasps for air.
Zaydie calmed down a little.
“Here I’ll fix it.” She reached up and seemed to be smoothing out his hair, but I realized she wasn’t touching Kylun’s hair at all!
Zaydie had soon arranged his hair back to it’s usual way.
Spiked, in his eyes a little, reflecting his dark outside aura.
His was extremely different then my own.
My thick brown hair was shaggy and a little long, but it didn’t hang in my eyes as much as his did, though I wouldn‘t consider his ‘long‘.

“Alright now that that’s taken care of. Can we start on the weapons?” Zaydie asked. Kylun nodded, and the three of us walked over to the shooting range.

I could tell that Zaydie was excited to get started.
Zaydie’s always one for learning something new.
I remember one time when she demanded to watch my dad and I in the butcher’s shop, even though my dad tried to make her leave, I knew he enjoyed her company.

“How about these?” Kylun pulled two pistols out of no where.
“Um...” she picked one up and examined it.
“I don’t think I’m one for guns...” she said in a timid voice.
“You wont know till you try.
These ones are small, though they do have a bit of a kick.” Kylun explained.
Zaydie took aim at a poster at the end of the range, and fired. She set it down and shook her head.
Those guns disappeared and then came on a slightly bigger one.
And again that was a flop.
Kylun kept coming up with more and more weapons, till he was frustrated.
“You are just one stubborn-” he cut himself off and held his forehead with the tips of his gloved fingers.
Zaydie leaned against the table and watched him.
“I’m sorry. We can stop if you want.” She said in a gentle tone.
He suddenly snapped his fingers.
“I’ve got it!
In front of Zaydie hovered a bow.

Ok how to explain the dumb thing.
Well for starters, it was mostly black, except in the middle where you held it. There blue started to sprout out of it. And even then ribbons of black wove around it. What was freaky about it though, was that it seemed that the bow was alive somehow.
The blue pulsed, it was a light of some sort. And it pulsed!

“This is Zindra.”
Zaydie looked at him.
“What? I didn’t choose the name. Zindra hasn’t been used in over a thousand years. It’s said that she was used by Mikaiela. How true that is, I am not sure. But Zindra is quite useful. You never have to carry a quiver, because the bow does all the work. Including making arrows. So you’ll never run out!”
“Why hasn’t anyone used this before?”
Zaydie really did have a knack for asking real good question.
“Because no one has been able to even touch!”
“Why?” Zaydie questioned. Kylun groaned and reached for the bow.
The bow seemed to reject him, the blue in it pulsed red.
Then something came out of it. It was like when we first met Tasin. It was a yellow light that came floating out of it.
“You are unworthy Kylun Lustrin. You have a heart as black as the shadows you sulk in.”  Well it was defiantly a girl. But we could see a form. A very slight form. I could see her face, and her long hair flowed out around her like she was in water.
“But yet... I see a small hope. A light. Locked away in a safe your scared to open, because you are afraid to see what is inside... but... all is not lost for you. There is one who will help you unlock that safe. And... she will give you something so precious that even you can’t fathom it.”  Then it faded.
Zaydie and I stared at it. [well where it had been]
“Oh my gosh.” Zaydie said finally.
She put her hand over it, then pulled it back hesitantly.
“Go ahead. Might as well see if it works or if I need to brain storm for another weapon.” Kylun said.
Zaydie placed her hand back over it, hesitating one last time, she touched it.
The light this time pulsed rapidly, and it turned yellow. A gentle yellow.
Kylun and I moved closer.
The Creature came back only this time it seemed to sing.
“You have found me! The Creator has sent me to you Zaydie Krayson.
I am at your beck and call. Believe in Zindra and she will shoot true for you.”  Then the Creature was gone and the bow turned blue again, though it still pulsed quickly under Zaydie’s touch.
“Did it... did it just... accept me?” Zaydie asked.
We both nodded.
“Wow... Can I try it out yet?!” She asked jumping up and down.
Kylun gestured to the range.
“Be my guest I’m just as eager as you are to see what this thing does.”
Zaydie stepped up to the range and pulled the string back. Immeadiately an arrow appeared on the string. The tip was made from the same blue stuff that the middle of the bow was made of.

Zaydie’s eyes grew big as she continued to pull the string back. The bow bent back gracefully.
She liet it go and the string snapped back with a ‘twang’.
The arrow zipped down the range but missed the bulls’ eye.
“hmm... still need to work on that, but it’s an amazing weapon!”
She exclaimed.
“But are you sure I’m allowed to have it?”
“yeah! If it works for you then use it! what’s the point in putting it back on the shelf where it’ll get dusty?” Kylun asked.
Zaydie nodded.
“But I wont use it right now till I get use to it, and also so your brother wont be suspicious.”  We both nodded.
Smart girl. Ha! as usual.

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